Monday, April 6, 2009

Searching for learning tools

This worked as a teaching tool last week - amazing


  1. That's great! but how did it work? Do you mean it worked as an online resource for your students? Or did you show the video in class to everyone? How did you find the video?

  2. I have a suggestion. How about you set up an account on youtube and start adding videos to your favourites? You might notice when you watch a video, just below it is an option to give it a star rating, add to favourites, or even add it to a playlist you keep. Playlists and favourites are a great way to build a video library over time, so your students and colleagues can go to your playlist page and browse all the videos you have added.

  3. I found the video by searching on you tube for muscle names - pure chance that I came across it - I showed it to the class as a link from a power point - they asked to see it again the following week to remind themselves of the names!
    I also made a suggestion to the class to use you tube as a learning resource of their own and search out some video clips for themselves - I will set up an account and make the playlist as you suggested and then I can direct them to that!

  4. Hi Helen
    Thank you for visiting my blogsite and leaving a comment about You Tube access. So much to learn. Love this video!
